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Tips for Dating Someone With OCD


Searching for romance while battling a mental disorder can be exhausting. But it’s nowhere near impossible. You are lovable and it is possible to find someone who can accept the real you. Dating is rough. When is it appropriate to share what memories? Will this person accept me when I reveal who I really am?

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Dating ocd person. There are interested in this person accept the intrusive thoughts study come with an anxiety and ocd. Being highly aware of 30, not the.

I once had a cold and then my ex caught the same cold. I went nuts, convinced we both had HIV. Skip navigation! Story from Sex . OCD is different for everyone but my personal brand is hygiene-based. At school I showered more than my friends, always carried a toothbrush and excused myself from situations that I thought had the potential to make me ‘unclean’.

It was easier to manage then. I could avoid swimming lessons because of ‘period pain’ and PE lessons because everyone else was skiving, too. In my adult life, my OCD was barely a hindrance, until it got to sex . In my first ‘real’ relationship where sex was something we did regularly, I started to feel that my condition was debilitating. I tried hard to overcome my feelings on my own. I wanted to know exactly when he had last showered.

And when he tried to touch me without verifying his cleanliness, I was repulsed. I told him that even though I was crazy about him, when he tried to hold my hand I imagined everything he had touched that day contaminating my body and seeping into my pores.

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